As a follow up to our meeting in May, I am inviting many of the civic, municipal, HOA and organizational leaders of our District 47 community to breakfast as my guest and I hope you will come, too!
I invited our neighbor and fellow leader Julio Murillo of CASA to share information about the organization and its mission:
Julio Murillo
Policy Analyst - CASA
Julio brings a tremendous wealth of knowledge on immigrant related, particularly Latino, concerns and efforts within our community that he has agreed to share with us as part of our collective effort on improving the quality of life in our neighborhoods. We are all in this together and I look forward to this opportunity to fellowship and share our successes, difficulties and solutions for our collective good. As a leader, you are an important part of this team effort!
This breakfast will be our third regular quarterly meeting of this calendar year while supporting one of our local 47B businesses, Qdoba. We will also take some time to talk about the election, the upcoming year and how we will work together for the betterment of our community. I would appreciate your attendance and look forward to seeing you or your designee on Saturday, August 4th.
PS. Free Parking, 2 hours, is available in the underground lot at 6507 America's Blvd or in the lot directly across the street from the restaurant.
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